play corner
Play Corner offers assessment and intervention in the following areas:
ARTICULATION: Refers to how your child makes certain sounds, such as /s/, /r/, or 'th'.
PHONOLOGY: Refers to error patterns in your child's speech, such as substituting /t/ for /k/, e.g., 'tootie' for 'cookie'.
RECEPTIVE: Refers to your child's ability to understand language. Difficulties may be apparent when following directions or answering questions.
EXPRESSIVE: Refers to your child's ability to to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and needs with others. This could be with oral language, gestures, or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS: Refers to the building blocks of reading and writing, such as rhyming, breaking works into syllables, and identifying sounds in words.
PHONICS: Refers to the predictable relationship between sounds and letters. This helps children sound out and read (decode) words.
30 minute therapy session: $65
45 minute therapy session: $85
60 minute therapy session: $110
I currently do not direct bill to insurance companies. Please check with your insurance provider to see if they cover Speech-Language Pathology services, and if they require a doctor's referral prior to reimbursement.
Currently accepting new clients.
Availability Saturdays, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday evenings after 5pm.